Understanding What Jesus Really Meant
I knew I was getting old a few years back when students would say something and I have no clue what they just said. “Spilling the tea,” for instance, is a phrase I had to learn. Or take my two son’s when they were little, they had their own language it seemed like. I could understand what they were saying, but good luck to anyone else. And then there’s the time I assumed people in London would know what I meant when I said I left my “special pants” for the wedding at home. Turns out, in England, “pants” means underwear.
Miscommunication happens all the time. And sometimes, we assume we know what’s being said when we really don’t. That’s why it’s important to slow down and understand what Jesus was actually communicating when He said:
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” (Matthew 5:13)
At first glance, we might think, “Sure, salt is useful! We use it in cooking all the time.” But Jesus wasn’t handing out a kitchen tip—He was painting a picture of what it means to be His follower. So, let’s dig deeper.
The Many Uses of Salt in Scripture
- Salt Adds Flavor – Representing Wisdom
The most obvious use of salt is seasoning—it enhances flavor. In Colossians 4:6, Paul says: “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person.” Here, salt represents wisdom. So, when Jesus calls us the “salt of the earth,” He’s calling us to be sources of godly wisdom, influencing the world around us with His truth. - Salt Preserves – Restraining Evil
In biblical times, salt was essential for preserving food—there were no refrigerators. Salt fought off rot and decay. In the same way, Jesus’ followers serve as a preserving influence in the world. Think about it: how much worse would our society be if every believer disappeared overnight? When you live for Christ, your presence alone can restrain evil. Have you ever walked into a conversation and suddenly the inappropriate jokes stop? That’s a small but real example of what it means to be a preserving force in the world. But preservation isn’t just passive—it’s active. It means taking a stand for righteousness, whether it’s fighting against injustice, protecting the vulnerable, or speaking truth in love. - Salt Heals – Bringing Hope
In the Old Testament, salt was used for medicinal purposes. In Ezekiel 16:4, newborn babies were rubbed with salt for purification. In 2 Kings 2:19-22, the prophet Elisha used salt to purify a city’s water supply. As followers of Christ, we bring healing—not necessarily by laying hands on people and shouting “Be healed!”—but by offering hope and restoration. We do this by feeding the hungry, caring for the broken, and sharing the Gospel with those in need. - Salt in Worship – Living as a Sacrifice
In Leviticus 2:13, God commanded that every grain offering be seasoned with salt as a sign of the covenant. Salt was an integral part of worship. Fast forward to the New Testament—Romans 12:1 calls us to be living sacrifices, offering our lives to God in worship. So, what does this mean for us? Being the salt of the earth isn’t just about making a cultural impact—it’s about leading others to Christ. We are not only called to live in a way that reflects Jesus, but also to bring others along with us. Our mission is to make disciples so that more and more people become “living sacrifices” unto God.
The Danger of Losing Our Saltiness
At this point, we might feel pretty good about our role as salt in the world. But Jesus adds a warning:
“But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.”
Now, here’s a fact: pure salt can’t lose its saltiness. Sodium chloride is stable—it won’t go bad or stop tasting salty. But in ancient times, what was sold as “salt” was often mixed with impurities. Over time, the sodium chloride could leach out, leaving behind something that looked like salt but had no actual flavor or value.
Jesus is making a sobering point—just as fake salt is worthless, so are those who claim to follow Him but lack true faith. This echoes His words in Matthew 7:21-23:
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.”
Many people do good things in Jesus’ name, yet their faith is not truly in Him. They may look the part for a while, but when tested, they prove to be spiritually empty—like flavorless salt.
True believers, however, persevere because their faith is genuine. They know they can’t earn salvation by works. Instead, they trust in Christ alone. And because of the Gospel’s power, they remain salty—they remain a force of wisdom, preservation, healing, and worship in the world.
The Challenge: Are You Salty?
So, let’s bring this home with two big questions:
- Are you salty? Are you living in a way that reflects Christ to those around you? Are you bringing wisdom, restraining evil, offering healing, and leading others to worship God?
- Why are you doing what you do? Is it out of obligation—trying to earn God’s favor? Or is it the natural response of a heart transformed by the Gospel?
At the end of the day, we must recognize that nothing we do can make us right with God. Only Jesus’ work on the cross does that. Our role is to live in gratitude for what He’s done—to be the salt of the earth, because that’s who He’s made us to be.
Don’t trust in your own efforts. Trust in Christ. And in doing so, live a life that flavors the world with His truth, preserves righteousness, heals the broken, and leads others to Him.
Tim Carter graduated from Southwest Baptist University in 2010 with a B.S. in Economics and Finance. He began serving at Cornerstone Baptist Church in June of that same year as the Student and Administrative Pastor, a role he held full-time until 2019. During that time, Tim transitioned to serve as a Lay Elder and Executive Pastor, continuing his dedication to Cornerstone in a volunteer capacity. In 2022, he returned to full-time ministry as the Executive Pastor.
Tim holds a Master’s degree in Christian Apologetics from Columbia Evangelical Seminary and has actively engaged in defending the Christian faith through moderated debates, academic presentations, and apologetics conferences. He enjoys deep theological discussions and interacting with cults and speculative theologies, driven by a passion for equipping believers and fostering a deeper understanding of the Christian worldview.