The purpose of the Celebrate Recovery Ministry is to spend time together and Celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the Eight Recovery Principles based on the beatitudes. This experience allows us to “be changed”.

We open the door to recovery by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition we became willing to accept God’s grace in solving our lives problems.

By Working the Christ Centered biblical principles we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly a stronger personal relationship with God and others. This ministry helps people of all ages resolve their pain in the context of the church as a whole, and it is for anyone who has a hurt, habit, or hang-up.

As we progress through the principles and the steps we discover our personal loving and forgiving Higher Power – Jesus Christ.

“My grace is enough, it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9&10

We meet every Monday night with a free dinner at 6:00 pm. If you would like a ride we also provide transportation. Just give the church office a call at 660-827-4833 and let them know that you need a ride to Celebrate Recovery. After dinner we have our group meeting at 7:00 pm followed by our small groups from 8:00-9:00 pm. Here is a list of our small group options:

Newcomers 101, Men’s Small Group, Women’s Small Group, Financial Recovery, Celebration Station (for kids age 5-13yrs), and The Landing (for teens).

There is also free childcare each week. We hope that you will find a welcome home here that will lead you to the recovery you need! A recovery only found in Jesus Christ.

Recovery Prison Ministries is an all volunteer, faith-based ministry with 25 trained volunteers, who are dedicated to sharing life experiences, strengths and our faith in Christ to bring hope to those with little or no hope. Recovery Prison Ministries is dedicated to bring the hope we have found in Jesus Christ to the correctional facilities in the states of Missouri and Kansas. Our goal is to reach out to as many of these inmates as possible and share the hope of Jesus with them.

Celebrate Recovery® is a life-changing, Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for individuals that are seeking freedom from addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors.

Since February 2003, Recovery Prison Ministries volunteers have visited thousands of prisoners. Currently we take the Celebrate Recovery® program to three prisons in Missouri — Integrity Correctional Center in Holden; Tipton Correctional Center in Tipton and Pettis County Jail in Sedalia. We offer resources and tools that aid in their adjustment to confinement, as well as their transition from jail to freedom. Ex-offenders’ re-entry into society is further advanced by attendance at our local Celebrate Recovery® meetings.

Celebrate Recovery® meets weekly in most cities in Missouri and Kansas. We also offer support for the whole family.  Issues of chemical dependency, codependency, sexual addiction and aftercare are addressed.  Check out the program at www.celebraterecovery.com.

We will soon have a state-wide database listing the faith-based services available for ex-offenders upon their release. Plans are currently underway for our own Aftercare facilities with Technical Training Centers.  God is on the move and we need all interested to “Catch the Vision.”

Recovery Prison Ministries is moving into Wyandotte, Clay and Jackson County jails. We are also preparing to begin ministry in several additional state prisons. We are earnestly seeking partners and sponsors to donate supplies and/or money to help offset the cost to bringing the healing power of Jesus Christ into the lives of inmates.


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Have a Hurt, Habit, or Hang-Up that you need help with? Give us your name, email and a brief description of what kind of help you need and we will pray for you and do our best to get you the help you need.

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