Truth & Grace
A balanced approach to theology and Christian living. Got something to say about Truth in Grace? Questions, ideas, or feedback—we’re listening! Drop us a line at ( and help shape our journey through truth and grace. Reach out now!
Faith, Fight, and the Factions That Shaped Jesus’ World – Part 1
Have you ever noticed how we tend to picture Jesus’ world like a simple sketch? Maybe it’s just me, but I used to imagine it as this flat, uniform place—everyone in robes, nodding along to the same beliefs, living pretty much the same way. We read about the crowds,...
Why the Cross?
Understanding the Heart of the Gospel For many, the Cross is just a religious symbol—something worn as jewelry or displayed in churches. But the Cross is far more than that. It is the central event of human history, where God’s justice and mercy met in perfect...
How We Got Our Bible: Transmission, Translation, and Trustworthiness
Can we really trust the Bible we have today? With so many translations and claims about its history, it’s easy to get lost in the debate. In this post, we dive into the transmission and translation of Scripture, separating fact from fiction. From the Geneva Bible to the King James, from codex manuscripts to modern discoveries, we explore how God has preserved His Word through history. If you’ve ever wondered how we got our Bible—or if it’s reliable—this post is for you.
The Word of God and Discipleship – Part 3
Part 3 – How to Study the Bible as a Disciple We’ve established that Bible study is essential because it sanctifies us and transforms our lives. But how do we actually go about studying God’s Word effectively? Here are some foundational steps: 1. Start with Prayer...
Is Jesus More Biblical Than Yeshua?
The Debate In recent years, a debate has emerged regarding whether the name Yeshua is more correct than Jesus. Some claim that Yeshua is the true name of Christ and that Jesus is a later corruption meant to mislead believers. Others believe that "Yeshua" sounds more...
The Word of God and Discipleship – Part 2
Part 2 – How God’s Word Transforms Us In Part 1, we saw that disciples must study the Bible because it is the means of our sanctification—our growth in holiness. But what does that process actually look like? Romans 12:2 gives us insight: "Do not be conformed to this...
🎙️ Truth & Grace Podcast
Proclaiming Truth, Living in Grace.