
This month is IMPACT CHURCH month at Cornerstone Baptist Church.

2018 is the year of IMPACT! In order to give direction to our goals, we have designated three months to devote to specific impacts. April is our IMPACT2 month, when we are challenged to share the gospel with two lost people. May is our IMPACT GLOBE month, when we will focus on the work of the gospel in the nations through our local congregation (prisons, Cooperative Program, India, and more).

In the month of March, we want to talk about how we can impact the local congregation. After services this week, several of you asked questions about tangible ways to impact Cornerstone. I’ve given it some thought….here’s my top 5.

First, the greatest way you can impact Cornerstone is by becoming a member! There are three ways to join our church, all of which have tangible impacts on our work and vision.

  1. You can join through faith in Jesus Christ! If you have never trusted in Christ, we’d love for you to come to saving faith right now! We will rejoice together, celebrate, and make much of Jesus in your decision to become a Christ follower. Upon this profession, we will set up a time for baptism and you will officially be a part of our fold!
  2. You can join through letter from another Southern Baptist Church. We have many regular attendees who have never joined the church. We’d love for you to join this month (more on this in a moment). You can respond at the invitation and let us know where you were previously a member and we will do the rest!
  3. You can join through statement of faith. If you are not a member of another Southern Baptist Church, you may join our congregation by affirming that you have placed your faith in Christ and acknowledging that you have partaken in Scriptural baptism.

Is membership important? You bet! It is true that you can be a believer and never “officially” join a local congregation…but why would you want to?! When you join our local church, we partner together for the work of the Kingdom of God. We always ask the question, “Do you want to be a part of what we are doing?” This question is important…it is a commitment on your part to your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to grow together in the gospel and to participate in the worship of Christ.

Second, you can impact our church through participation and service. We are always looking for more volunteers to accomplish the ministry God has given to us. It is as simple as contacting Pastor Tim Carter or another Elder and letting us know where you want to serve at! Already have a relationship with one of our ministry leaders?…Awesome! Take some time to reach out to them and let them know you’d like to help them in the ministry of the church. Don’t know where to start?…Schedule a meeting with Pastor Chris or one of our elders and we will help you understand your gifts and plug you in!

Third, you can impact the church through worship! There is something special when the blood bought saints of Christ gather together! Sing loud and proud! Give God your very best! When you attend one of our worship services (Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Celebrate Recovery on Mondays at 7:00 p.m., or Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m.), you and I cooperate together to magnify Christ! We are living in some busy times, but there is no replacement for community worship. On Sundays, we sing together, pray together, give together, and learn together! Come worship with your family…it encourages the people around you every week to see your smiling face and draw from your Christ-centered spirit. It seems small to you…but our corporate worship is powerful when we are together!

Fourth, you can impact the church through sanctification. When we grow in our personal lives into the image of Christ, it has a corporate effect. When you and I are intentional about being more like Jesus and growing deeper in our faith in private, it grows our church. We can help you in your private growth in many ways. There are women’s groups, a men’s group on Tuesday mornings at Best Western (6:00 a.m.), Bible studies every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m., Celebrate Recovery small groups and step studies, and Wednesday nights (elders class, apologetics course, and various other studies annually). As you can see…we want to help in your personal growth. But all of this cannot take the place of personal private study at home. If we can help by recommending materials, please see one of our elders.

Fifth, invite others to Christ and to the local church! The local church grew in the New Testament through people relationships. Friends led friends to Christ. Family led family to Christ. The Holy Spirit uses your influence to provide opportunities to share the gospel. Know someone who needs some healing, refreshing, and a family?…invite them to Cornerstone to be a part of our family! Who knows…you might be the answer to someone else’s prayer!

There are lots of ways to impact the local church…here’s my top 5 for today! If you attend another local church, I’ll bet your pastor would agree with these!

Held by Grace, Pastor Chris