
**Before you read, I offer a challenge: I understand that discussing health issues often inflames our passions. Please read carefully, consider the science, and make the best decision for you and your family. You have my support!

This morning I reached out to medical professionals seeking clarity on the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and the proper response for a church. The following is a summary of those conversations, an understanding of our faith in such moments, and a review of our policies moving forward at Cornerstone Baptist Church.

First, what is Coronavirus and what is our level of concern?

Over and over again, I was directed to the following website for information – cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov. This is a helpful website that I believe answers most of the questions many are asking in the proper way.

Here is a basic summary:

  1. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that is spread by close contact (within 6 feet) with another for an extended period of time (30 minutes) – though all professionals acknowledge that we are learning new information daily.
  2. Like almost all viruses, it is mostly spread through people who are symptomatic (showing symptoms), but it is possible for infected individuals to be asymptomatic.
  3. The vast majority of cases in the United States are from travelers or those who have been in close contact with travelers who have imported the virus.
  4. The virus itself, to this point, is not considered a high risk mortality rate (its mortality rate is not especially high) except in the cases of people of higher risk (people with preexisting conditions, the elderly, young children, and pregnancies).
  5. While some suggest that the mortality rate of the Coronavirus is around 3.7%, the New England Journal of Medicine estimates that its real mortality rate is far less than 1%. The reason for the disparity is a result of disinformation, the number of undocumented cases, the newness of the disease, etc. For more information, see this article: www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/coronavirus-vs-flu-which-virus-is-deadlier-11583856879.

Ultimately, this is a new virus and we are learning new information daily.

In the United States, as of the time of this publishing:

  1. There have been 1,215 reported cases, with 36 fatalities.
  2. 125 of those cases were travelers. 102 of the cases were close contacts with travelers. 988 are under investigation currently. Of the 988 cases under investigation, at least 49 are “repatriated persons” – travelers, cruisers, etc.
  3. In Missouri, there are currently less than 5 reported cases.
  4. Despite the most recent alarm, reported cases have been significantly decreasing since 2/29. In fact, many more are being declared healthy than are being diagnosed as infected (cdc.gov).

As you can see clearly, the science clearly indicates that there is no need for panic in the present. The reality is that on 3/10, there was only one new reported case in the United States and on 3/11, there were none. By contrast, 3,287 people died yesterday in the United States in automobile accidents. You are far more likely to die in a car crash today than you are to be infected by the Coronavirus.

With that said, we are in no way minimizing the severity and importance of health related to this virus or any other health disease. The virus is dangerous and all people should take responsibility for remaining healthy, including recommended hygiene procedures, as much as is within their ability. Which leads us to a second point.

As people of faith, how do we respond to all that is happening around us?

First, science is our friend and not our enemy. We believe that science and healthcare are only possible because of the consistency provided through a sovereign God. It is His consistency that allows us to understand the world in which we live. The sourced information above, clearly demonstrates that this is not a time for panic. This is a time for rational, thoughtful, proactive, and appropriate measures.

Second, because of our faith in Christ, we should not be like the rest of the world – in panic. Rather, we should be stable. If this were the end of the world, we know our eternal future! Not only this, but we trust God! We know His goodness, protection, and grace. He is in control.

Third, our belief in a sovereign God does not mean we are fatalist. It does not mean we do nothing…quite honestly, it is the opposite. We believe that God made man in His image – unity in plurality. He made man mind, body, and soul. We believe that the entire human condition should be treated.

  1. Spiritually: we receive our daily bread through prayer, worship, and reading His Word.
  2. Mentally: we react to facts as they are given to us. We don’t jump ahead, we simply deal with the information as it comes, knowing that with a new disease (and many other areas of life), information is changing daily.
  3. Physically: we treat our bodies as God would want us to, we honor them. When you are sick, go to a doctor! Don’t become irrational…go find out what is wrong. You are much more likely to be sick from the flu than you are the coronavirus. Practice good hygiene – brush your teeth, wash your hands, take regular showers, avoid others when you are sick, etc.

As people of faith, we take every day as a new faith venture, in which, we must fully be dependent upon a sovereign God.

Finally, what are the policies of Cornerstone Baptist Church regarding Coronavirus (and all sickness)?

First, every day we will assess the situation. We understand that some public officials are calling for people not to go to church, not to attend large gatherings, and to quarantine themselves. At the present, there does not seem to be any reason to take this drastic step at Cornerstone Baptist Church. All of our services and scheduled activities will be run as normal. But we will reassess every day. Should it become clear that it is not appropriate to offer our services or activities, we will offer a new approach. But at present, there is no need to cancel anything.

Second, we already have a policy regarding childcare and the nursery. We have signs up at the nursery check-in station that ask parents not to drop children off who are sick. Our teachers have been told to return children who show signs of infection of any kind. We will be making this a point of emphasis this week with all of our childcare personnel. Should we have a child dropped off that shows symptoms of illness, we will protect all of the children entrusted to us and notify the parents. As with sending your children to school, there is always risk of contracting a respiratory disease…but we do the best we can to protect your children.

Third, we sanitize the entire building every week. We also have a special emphasis on sanitizing the children’s areas three times a week – after Sunday morning services, Celebrate Recovery, and Wednesday night services. Our teachers have been taught to evaluate their room every Sunday morning. If they see things out of place, they have sanitizers at their disposal before children arrive. We will emphasize to our teachers to be early in the coming weeks to follow this protocol.

Fourth, we believe that your healthcare is your responsibility. Above, I clearly outline that our faith teaches us to be proactive in treating our bodies. With respect to this, we have over the years brought medical professionals in to teach classes. We have consistently taught our people the need to honor the body Christ has given to us. Therefore, if you are sick, at higher risk, or are deeply concerned we SUPPORT your decision to avoid large public gatherings. We want you healthy!!!! Please make rational and faithful decisions about your health and act accordingly.

From my heart: people of faith, let’s set the example! Let’s show our commitment to the truth of God’s word and our trust in God’s sovereignty by not acting like the rest of the world – let’s not panic. When we panic, we offer a testimony of a people who are not changed by the gospel. We have an opportunity to show our commitment to the gospel by being calm, responsible, and faithful in moments like this!

I hope the information provided is helpful, that it dissuades some fear you may have been having, and that it informs your faith regarding disease and illness. Take care of yourselves! Be diligent and careful. And I’ll see most of you on Sunday!!

Held by Grace, PC