
God often uses others to assist in our miracle

Anytime we go through a difficult season in life, we have the tendency to pull back and isolate ourselves from others.  Whether that is out of embarrassment or the fact that we don’t “want to bother people with my problems,” pulling away from others is the last thing...

God can set you free from controlling sinful habits

Human beings are often controlled by many habits that they can’t seem to break free from.  From popping your knuckles to smacking when you eat, some habits are difficult to break, but they really don’t do much harm to your life. On the other hand, there are many...

Jesus is our healer, and He knows our every need

Sickness is a part of life. Pain is a part of life.  We all know and realize this, but when it is us or our family that get hit by sickness and pain, it can be hard to deal with. God is our Healer.  He has the power to heal, and He still performs miracles today.  In...